Friday, March 16, 2012

Dangers From Smoking by Wilmor M. Engging II

People only have one life. People die naturally many years ago but today people die because of many things they do to harm their health like smoking. Even though many people like smoking it is still dangerous because it is a trouble maker, a life destroyer and a silent killer.

Smoking is very dangerous for people in terms of their health and their social life. In their health smoking kills silently. Silently means that whatever people smoke they don't know that inside their body they're cooking many organs in their body, especially their lungs, until all these affected organs will not function anymore and eventually the smoker will die. Smoking is a trouble maker because literally it gives problems to a smoker and his/her own family in terms of financial, health and social. In financial, whenever a smoker wants to smoke he/she will buy and use up money while in health the smoker could harm his/her family's health and in social the smoker could have misunderstandings in with his/her family and eventually will lead to fighting because of smoking. Smoking is a life destroyer because once a person smoke and will be addicted to it then the smoker will eventually misled his/her life. This only means that smoking can't only kill smokers physically but also mentally.

Smoking destroys lives, creates troubles and kills silently. In summary, smoking can never be a good thing because what life will a person have when he/she will try to smoke. A life full of problems that may have solution which is death. Smoking can really relieve pain but for a short moment only. The question is will people risk their lives for a short moment of relief but a miserable life?

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