Thursday, March 15, 2012

What Causes a Person to Smoke? By: Samantha Espino

Smoking is a result of a person’s way to deal with his flaws in life. It is a way used by people to escape from facing reality. People smoke because they are insecure, depressed and problematic

People who are anxious, tend to find ways to feel better. When people are depressed, they trick themselves by thinking that smoking can fix everything. When people are insecure, they smoke because they think that smoking is “cool.” Some people don’t want to be out of place. People think that when they smoke, they’ll be cool. In that case, they won’t be out of place anymore because they are always recognized for being one of the “cool” people.

Smoking is never the answer. Yes, it can get you high, it gives you a good feeling and it helps you forget your problems and failures but it does not help you live a healthy life. Therefore, smoking is never the answer to lessen insecurities, depressions and problems. The best way to do is to simply pray to God because God is the only person who can help you change. Insecurities, depression and problems will just be gone if you have the determination to make yourself better.

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